One of our most important callings as Christians is to instill the living faith in our children. To assist parents in this duty, children in 1st through 12th grade meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30a.m. - 10:45a.m.
Please note: In order to enroll in Religious Education, as a student or catechist or volunteer, we kindly ask that you register with the parish, and then as your spiritual accompaniers we can walk the journey of our Catholic faith together in community.
To register, please visit our site here. Thank you very much and God bless!
For information, to register your children (PLEASE CLICK HERE), or to volunteer as a catechist or assist in any age group, please contact the Religious Education Office or the Parish Office at (269) 649-1629.
Growth in your faith and in your relationship with God is a life-long pursuit which does not end with Confirmation. Classes are held on Sunday mornings when the children are attending classes. In addition, special programs for adults are offered throughout the year, and are publicized through announcements at Mass and in the weekly bulletin. Contact the Religious Education Office ( for more information.
The Pack the House program was started in 2008. Meeting throughout the Religious Education year, a meal is prepared for the parish, then a featured speaker presents a topic of interest to the parish. Some of the previous speakers have been Bishop James Murray, Monsignor Thomas Martin, Father Christian Johnston, and Deacon Kurt Lucas. Stay close to the parish bulletin, website, and Facebook page for information on any upcoming offerings!
For further information about the Religious Education Program, contact Tim McNamara, DRE at